Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

Bahasa Inggris

Cuilan materi kelas 11 semester ganjil, untuk SMK Teknik


Merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang dan merupakan kebiasaan.
Fungsi           :
a)                   To tell daily activity
b)                  To tell general activity
c)                   To tell general statement

Structure and the example
       (Susunan dan Contoh Kalimat)
1.       Kalimat positif
                subject   + V1  + Object/ Adverb
e.g :    * He is strong.
* We visit our grandfather twice a week.
             * She gets up at 5 o’clock every morning.
2.       Kalimat Negatif
                subject   + do  not  ‘or’ does not +  V1+  Object/ Adverb
e.g :    * He is not / isn’t strong
                                * We do not visit our grandfather twice a week.
                                * She does not get up at 5 o’clock every morning
3.       Kalimat introgatif :
                subject   +  do not ‘or’ does not + V1+ Object/ Adverb
e.g :    * Is she strong ?
                                * Do we visit our grandfather twice a week ?
                                * Does she gets up at 5 o’clock every morning ?\

Simple Present Tense with the verb “be”
         jika sebuah kalimat tidak mempunyai kata kerja, maka “be” sebagai kata kerja
·       Posisitf             :               Larisa is a beautiful girl
                                                   Mother is at home every afternoon       
·       Negatif             :               Larisa isn’t a beautiful girl
                                                   Mother isn’t at home every afternoon
·       Interogatif      :               Ia Larisa a beautiful girl ?
                                                    Is Mather  at home every afternoon ?

Note ( Catatan )
1)    Kata Kerja yang berakhiran dengan s,sh,ch,x dan o jika subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal (he, she, it, Rigi) kata kerja tersebut ditambah “es”
e.g :                 She often kisses his son
2)    Kata kerja yang berakhiran “y” mengikuti konsonan, maka “y” diubah menjadi “I” kemudian ditambah “es”.
e.g. :  He carries a heavy bag every morning
3)    kata kerja yang berakhiran “y” mengikuti vokal, tetap ditambah “s” tetapi  “ y” tidak berubah.
e.g :                  Tony says that he is sick


Different of hobbies and interest  :
©  A hobby is a regular activity or interest that is undertaken for pleasure, typically done during one's leisure time.
Example of hobbies :  painting,  fishing , cycling, reading,  shoping , etc
©  Interest adalah suatu ketertarikan seseorang terhadap suatu kegiatan yang dianggapnya menyenangkan Atau kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan seseorang untuk mengisi waktu luang .

Example  dialogue :
Arya      :     “Hi Erna, why do you collect many stamps?”
Erna       :     “Ohh…. Hi Arya. I am collecting the stamps for my collection.”
Arya      :     “What do you mean?”
Erna       :     “Yes, actually my hobby is collecting stamps.”
Arya      :     “Why do you like collecting stamps?”
Erna       :     “Because I like to see the unique pictures of the stamps.  How  about you , what is your  hobby? “
Arya      :     “Hmm… I think I don’t have hobby. Should we have a hobby?
Erna       :     Not really. But in our lives we must have something we like most  which is called hobby.
Arya      :    So, hobby is a pleasure. Then, I think I have a hobby now.
Erna       :    Of course, so what is your hobby?
Arya      :    I like to read comics especially detective Conan.


Cara kita  menangani tamu dengan baik dan sesuai  dengan  prsedur dalam melayani tamuu

î  Beriikut ini ekspresi menyambut dan menangani tamu:
·         Welcome to our hotel/restourant /office
·         May I help you ?
·         We hope that you can enjoy staying  in our hotel
·         I hope you enjoy the food
·         Have a nice rest, sir/mom
·         We would like to offer  you a special food
·         We’ll send your cofee right away
·         What can I do  for you, sir/mom ?
·         Can I help you ?

î  Berikut ini adalah jawaban yang  biasa di ucapkan  oleh tamu
·         Yes, please. I’d like some fresh water.
·         No. thanks .
·         Thanks anyway.
·         That’s  very kind of you.
·         I appreciate that

Example :
Man                                                : “May I have a look at the breakfast menu , please ?”
Waitress        :  “Certainly. Here you are, sir.”
Man                                                :  “Thank you. I think I’ll have the English breakfast.”
Waitress        :  “Yes  sir. What would you like to start with ?”
Man                                                :  “I’ll start with a glass of pineapple juice.”
waitress         :  “That’s right sir. “
Man                                                :  “Thank you very much.”
Waitress        :  “You’re welcome.”


Interrogative sentence used to ask what the answer is always yes or no.

a)    To Be ( To Be+S+O )
Sekarang          : am, is, are
             Is This Interesting ?                                                    Yes, it is / No, it isn’t
             Am I your best friends ?                                                           Yes, you are / No, you aren’t
             Are they student of XI class E2 ?                                           Yes, they are / No, they aren’t
Lampau             : was, were
                Was it cute?                                                                  Yes, it was/No, it wasn’t
                Were you disappointed yesterday?                    Yes, I was/No, I wasn’t

b)   Do / Does / Did
 (Do/Does + S + Verb )   (Did + S + Verb2 )
Do you like ice cream ?                                             Yes, I do / No, I don’t
 Does She like sport ?                                                Yes, she does / No, She doesn’t
Did you go to the market yesterday ?                Yes, I did / No, I didn’t
c)    Have / Has
(Have/Has + S + Past Participle )
e.g :    Have you done your homework ?                       Yes, I have / No, I haven’t
             Has she lived here long?                                          Yes, she has / No, she  hasn’t

d)   Modals Auxiliaries  → Auxiliaries+S+V1+O  
(will, would, can, could, may, must, shall, should, might)
Example :             Can you sing a song? Yes, I can/No, I can’t
                                                May I borrow your money? Yes you may/No you may not
                                                Will father drive the car? Yes, he will/No he will not(won’t)
                                                Would you go with me?  Yes i would/ No i wouldn’t
                                                Should I go alone? Yes, you should/No, You shouldn’t.

  Questions tags

                      Question tag adalah untuk sebuah pertanyaan yang dibuat dalam satu kalimat untuk sebuah penegasan.kadang-kadang pertanyaan jenis ini tidak membutuhkan jawaban apapun,kecuali hanya untuk penegas si pembicara kepada yang diajak bicara.dalam bahasa indonesia question tag adalah kata "bukan?" untuk sebuah penegasan.

Function  :
1.                       Expected to strengthen information
2.                       To ask for information that is not expected

On this topic we will discuss  about :
1.     Positive statement          (+)
2.     Negative statement(-)
3.     Imperative statement(?)

  • Positive Statement
Rumus :  (+)statement, (-)tag ?
a. Dengan auxiliary
       You are the new secretary, aren’t you? (bukan are not you?)
       George can swim well, can’t he?
       I am going to go to the cinema with you, aren’t ? (bukan amn’t )

b. Tidak dengan auxiliary
       They invited you to their party, didn’t they?
          She read the novel, didn’t she?
          She reads the novel, doesn’t she?

  • Negative Statement.
Rumus :  (-) Statement, (+) tag
§  There isn’t any news, is there?
§  My parents won’t go to Bali with you, will they?
§  Nobody wants to go with you, do they?

  • Imperative Statement
       Sit down, would you?
       Let’s do it again, shall we?
       Don’t disturb me, can’t you?

v  Ellipsis Question Tag
         Especially if we can not see the subject of the sentence in his statement. For that, we need to understand and observe that the subject of the sentence of his statement is actually there, but lost (ellipsis).

   Nice day, isn’t it?
   Difficult, aren’t they?
   Talking about me, aren’t you?
   Fine, aren’t you ?

v  Special Question Tag.
Altough the word “no” does not exist within a sentence the sentence can be negative. Then we use a positive tag.
o   We have a car,no?
o   Open the window,yes?
o   Come here we take next bus,we will?
o   We must there are in home at 08.00 pm,must no?

Questions words

Question word adalah kata tanya yang digunakan untuk  menanyakan apa yang sedang kita bicarakan dengan lawan bicara kita.
Untuk membentuk kalimat pertanyaan dengan menggunakan kata tanya biasanya menggunakan pola kalimat seperti di bawah ini :

    ( Kata tanya + kata kerja bantu + subyek  )
Example :
w  Apabila kalimat nominal menggunakan to be ( am,are,is )
Example :     she is a teacher
                                         what is she ?

w  Apabila kalimat verbal  menggunakan  do ,does ( present ), did (past)   
Example  :    They play football everyday
what do they do everyday ? 

A. Question word + ever / soever

Kecuali how,di akhir  question  word ditambahkan  ever  atau  soever.
When +ever  à  whenever, when+soever à  whensoever.
 What+ever à  whatever,what+soever  à whatsoever

Arti ever  atau soever disini sama yaitu Saja / Pun, tinggal di kombinasikan dengan kata tanya. Sedangkan  how+ever  menjadi however(i.e adverb atau juga disebut kata transisi yang berarti namun/walaupun demikian) tidak termasuk dalam kategori ini.

Example :
1.       We will accept whatever you want us to do. ( Kami akan menerima / melakukan apa saja yang kamu ingin kami lakukan)
2.       Whoever  can melt her  feeling is a very lucky guy.    (melt=meluluhkan). Be careful : guy(dibaca gae)=laki-laki, sedangkan gay (dibaca gei)=fog=homo.

     B.Question word+Nouns

                Question words + nouns yang sering digunakan antara lain: what time (jam berapa), what day (hari apa), what time (jam berapa), what kind (jenis apa), what type (tipe apa), whose + nouns (i.e. whose car, whose book, ect.), dan seterusnya.
I can’t remember what day we will take the exam.
                As long as I am faithful, she doesn’t care what type of family I come from. (faithful = setia).
Do you know what time it is?
I don’t know whose car is parked in front of my house.
C. Question words + adjectives

                Question words + adjectives yang sering digunakan antara lain: how long (berapa panjang/lama), how far (berapa jauh), how old (berapa tua/umur), ect.
Man! She still looks young. Do you know how old she actually is?
I am lost. Could you tell me how far it is from here to the post office?
What a jerk. He didn’t even ask how long I had been waiting for him.

       D.Question Word+Determiners

                Question words + determiners yang sering digunakan adalah: how many (berapa banyak) dan  how much (berapa banyak). Remember: how many diikuti oleh plural nouns, sedangkan how much diikuti oleh uncountable nouns.
Is there any correlation between how good he or she is in English and how many books he or she has?
How much your English skill will improve is determined by how hard you practice.

E. Question words + adverbs.

Question words + adverbs yang sering digunakan adalah: how often (berapa sering), how many times (berapa kali) ect.
No matter how often I practice, my English still sucks. (Tidak memandang berapa kali saya latihan, bahasa Inggris saya masih jelek). Suck (informal verb) = jelek/tidak baik; arti suck yang lain: mengisap.
I don’t want my parents to know how many times I have left school early. (leave school early = bolos).

F. Question words + infinitives.

                Jika question words langsung diikuti oleh infinitives, invinitives tersebut mengandung makna should atau can/could. Perhatikan bahwa subject setelah question words dihilangkan.

She didn’t know what to do = She didn’t know what she should do. (Dia tidak tahu apa yang seharusnya dia lakukan).

© Please tell me how to get the train station from here = Please tell me how I can get the train station from here.
© We haven’t decided when to go to the beach = We haven’t decided when we should go to the beach.
© Marry told us where to find her = Marry told us where we could find her.


Gerund adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi sbg kata benda. Bentuknya berasal dari kata kerja ditambah –ing(verb+ing), misalnya swimming, eating, fishing, dll.

Fungsi gerund dalam kalimat :
       subjek (subject)
       pelengkap subjek (subjective complement)
       objek langsung (direct object)
       objek preposisi (object of preposition)
       aposisi (appositive)

       Gerund sebagai subjek pokok kalimat, digunakan bila tindakan sebagai pokok pembicaraan.
- Your singing is very beautiful.
- Studying needs time and patience.
- Playing tennis is fun.

  • Gerund as Subjective Complement
       Gerund sebagai pelengkap subjek dalam kalimat biasanya selalu didahului to be yang terletak di antara subject dan subjective complement,
- My favorite sport is running.
- My favorite activity is reading.
  • Gerund As Direct Object
       Gerund sebagai objek langsung dalam kalimat.
- I enjoy dancing.
- She likes dancing.
- Thank you for your coming.
- I hate arguing.

  • Gerund As Object of Preposition
       Gerund sebagai objek preposisi yang terletak setelah preposisi(kata depan). Penggunaannya setelah adjective with preposition.Preposisi yang sering dipakai adalah of, on, no, with, without, at ,for, after, before, because of, to, like, about, for, by, in.

- I have no objection to hearing your story.
- You will not be clever without studying.
- They are good at telling funny stories.
- In sleeping I met you in the park.

  • Gerund As Appositive
       Gerund sebagai aposisi atau penegas dalam kalimat,
- My hobby, fishing, is interesting.
- I do not like quarrelling, a useless job.
My hobby is fishing dan fishing is interesting diletakkan bersebelahan dalam sebuah kalimat sebagai appositive (fishing adalah aposisi dari my hobby), begitu juga contoh kalimat dibawahnya.

  • Penggunaan Gerund setelah Preposisi
Preposisi seperti: about,of,from,after,before,by,on,without,because of.
       a.Before going to bed he turned off the lights
       b.We arrived in Madrid after driving all nights
        c.He told the joke without laughing

Too and enough

       "Too" dan "Enough" adalah kata -kata yang termasuk dalam golongan Adverbs. Masing-masing memiliki fungsi dan makna tersendiri. Perhatikan perbedaan dari kedua kata tersebut seperti penjelasan di bawah ini:
       Enough means "sufficient (cukup)", or"as much or many (of something) as necessary".
       Too (terlalu) means "more than enough" or "more than is needed or wanted".


a)…too+adjective+for+someone+to V1
Ex: The coffee is too hot for me to drink
b) … too+adjective+to V1
Ex: That moment too sad

Kind “too” range :
·         Too much
·         Use too much before a noncount noun for an unacceptable,
Ex:People eat too much fat, sugar and salt.
·         Prepared food uses too much packaging.
Rumus :     Too Much      à           [Too much + uncountable noun ]
                                      Too many      à           [too many + countable noun ]
·         Use too many before a count noun for an unacceptable,
Example :            People eat too many chips, cookies and candy bars.
Vending machines sell too many high-calorie snacks.
          S+Adverb+enough+noun+to V1+….
          Example : I don’t have enough money to buy a hand phone
          S+tobe+adjective+enough+to V1+…
          Example : She is strong enough to move the table

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